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    Highlights from AI Dev Tools Night in San Francisco

    Highlights from AI Dev Tools Night in San Francisco

    Last night, we hosted an amazing AI Dev Tools Night in San Francisco, where industry experts shared insights on AI coding engines, vector databases, the future of software engineering, and AI-assisted coding. Attendees enjoyed engaging talks, networking opportunities, and an exciting giveaway. Check...

    YK Sugi

    The anatomy of an AI coding assistant

    The anatomy of an AI coding assistant

    Discover how AI coding assistants like Sourcegraph Cody enhance developer productivity by leveraging context. Learn about features like autocomplete, chat, test generation, and code editing, and how they fetch relevant code snippets to provide accurate suggestions and edits.

    YK Sugi

    The Self-Driving IDE is Coming

    The Self-Driving IDE is Coming

    I’ve got something new for you today. At least, it’s new to me, and hopefully it’s new to most of you as well. It is a powerful idea that is emerging in the Coding Assistant space, as we build out the Cody experience and learn our way around this new world.

    Steve Yegge